Items for Nonprofit Notebook need to be received by the end of the month prior to publication.
Opportunity Council honors Community Partners
The Opportunity Council announced 2006 Community Partner awards at the Annual Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, April 27. Community Partner awards honor people who have demonstrated outstanding collaboration and dedication to the mission of the Opportunity Council. 2006 awards went to: Darrell Hillaire, Lummi Nation; presented by Kay Sardo, Opportunity Council Executive Director. John Korsmo, Northwest Training Institute; presented by Community Services, Ann Bright, Community Resource Center Supervisor. Senior Information and Assistance, Northwest Regional Council; presented by Energy and Home Repair, Debbie Paton, Energy Assistance Manager, and Lorena Weisenburger, Energy Services Specialist. Lucille Nollette, Assistant Special Education Director, Bellingham School District; presented by Child Care and Family Resources, Maureen Godwin, Lead Family Resource Coordinator. Norman McCrea; presented by Island County Opportunity Council, Lisa Clark, Director. Pat Anderson, Mobil Dental Clinic, Interfaith Community Health Center; presented by Early Childhood Opportunities Northwest, Dee West, Director, and Susy Hymas, Health and Nutrition Coordinator.
The Opportunity Council is a private nonprofit community action agency governed by a volunteer board of directors equally representing the private, public and low-income sectors of Island, San Juan and Whatcom counties.
BB/BS of Northwest Washington receives donations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Washington announces that the Bellingham Bay Rotary Club has made donations of $2,200 to support the local School Buddies mentoring program. The donation will provide funds for BB/BS to properly screen and train volunteers and monitor the ongoing relationships with mentors, teachers and children. 'Big Buddies' are matched with elementary school children, spending one hour each week for the entire academic year providing one-to-one help with homework, class projects or recreational activities. The program currently helps 58 children in the community.
The Lummi Indian Business Council made a donation of $8,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Washington. This contribution will help support the local community based mentoring program that serves close to 100 children in Whatcom County. The funds will have an effect on supporting current matches, as well as additional matches for some of the 150 youths on the waiting list. The costs involved provide professionally trained staff to recruit, screen and train volunteer mentors and closely monitor follow-up support to ensure the highest quality and safety in the relationships between 'Bigs' and 'Littles.'
To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest Washington, call (360) 671-6400.
Local SHRM awards scholarships
The Mt. Baker SHRM Western Washington scholarship program announces David Ross and Theresa Studley as the 2006-2007 scholarship co-recipients. Ross and Studley were presented their awards on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, at the SHRM monthly lunch meeting at Northwood Hall.
Ross is president-elect for WWU's Northwest Human Resource Management Association (NHRMA) student chapter and serves as student liaison to the professional chapter; Ross will graduate from WWU with a degree in business administration with a human resources concentration in March of 2007.
Studley, a member of NHRMA, and Executive VP-elect for the student chapter, will graduate in June of 2007 with a degree in business administration from WWU with a concentration in human resources.
Bellingham Allstate agent honored for volunteerism
Allstate Agent Scott Richardson received the 'Agency Hands in the Community' award for his commitment to volunteering in the community. With this award comes a $500 grant from The Allstate Foundation for the Lydia Place where Richardson volunteers.
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