BLOOD DRIVE, 7:15 a.m.-noon today, St. Francis de Sales CatholicChurch, 37730 St. Francis Ct., Purcellville. 540-338-6313; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Fauquier Hospital, Sycamore Room, 500 Hospital Dr.,Warrenton, 540-349-0588; 1:30-6 p.m. April 26, St. James EpiscopalChurch, 14 Cornwall St. NW, Leesburg. 703-777-7171; 2-6 p.m. April30, Foxcroft School, Foxcroft Road (Route 626 north of Middleburg).540-687-4322 or; 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. May 5,Crossroads United Methodist Church, 43454 Crossroad Dr., Ashburn.703-777-7171.
CPR AND FIRST-AID RECERTIFICATION, by appointment, Red Crossoffice, 53 S. Third St., Warrenton. Cost varies depending onrecertification needed. 540-349-2516.
DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER, providing technological help throughthe Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and with loans fromthe Technology Assistance Program, referrals to other agencies andpresentations to businesses, civic groups and schools, 2-5 p.m.third Thursdays, the Workplace, 205 Keith St., Warrenton. Free; callfor appointment. 800-648-6324 or TDD 540-373-5890.
LOUDOUN CSB COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, provides information aboutmental health, mental retardation and substance abuse for countyresidents. Lending library and help with computer research available9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, 906 Trailview Blvd., Suite C,Leesburg. Drop-ins welcome if coordinator is available. Free. Forappointment, 703-737-8977. For information,
RECOVERY INC., provides support for people suffering fromanxiety, fear, depression, panic and other emotional problems, 8p.m. Fridays, Friendship House, 16480 Meadowview Ct., Leesburg.Free. 703-777-1708.
ADVANCE DIRECTIVES DAY: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.Tuesday, Fauquier Hospital, Sycamore Room A, 500 Hospital Dr.,Warrenton. Drop-in throughout the day and learn about advancedirectives, living wills, health-care powers of attorney, appointingagents, and do-not-resuscitate orders. Educational materials, formsand guidance will be provided. Free. 540-341-0884.
ADVANCED MEDICAL DIRECTIVES SEMINAR, 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, WarrentonLibrary, 11 Winchester St. Sponsored by Hospice of the Rapidan andHospice Support of Fauquier County. Free. 540-347-8750, Ext. 5322.
BABYSITTER TRAINING, 'Safe Sitter,' ages 11-13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.Saturday, Inova Loudoun Hospital Patient Education Room, 44045Riverside Pkwy., Leesburg. Register. $55. 703-858-6360
COMMUNITY PRAYER HOUR, noon-1 p.m. Thursdays, Spiritual CareSupport Ministry Center, 76 W. Shirley Ave., Warrenton.Nondenominational. Free. Chaplain Liz Danielsen at 540-349-5814.
EMERGENCY FOOD SUPPLIES, Loudoun residents can receive a freethree-day supply of nutritious groceries. Supplies are distributedMondays-Saturdays by Loudoun Interfaith Relief. 703-777-5911
FAUQUIER FREE MEDICAL CLINIC, patients must call between 1:30 and3:30 p.m. Thursdays to register for that evening. No advanceappointments for another evening. Fauquier and Rappahannockresidents only. Bring proof of address for the first visit. To beeligible for treatment, patients cannot have Medicaid, Medicare orprivate health insurance. If you have questions, call between 9 a.m.and 4 p.m. Tuesdays or Thursdays. 540-347-0394.
MEN'S ANGER MANAGEMENT, sponsored by Services to Abused Families,6-7:30 p.m. Mondays, confidential location. Free. 540-825-8876.
NEW VOICE CLUB, support and education program for laryngectomypatients and their families, including free speech therapy. Monthlymeetings. Free. 703-938-5550.
NORTHERN VIRGINIA LONG-TERM-CARE OMBUDSMAN, investigates andworks to resolve complaints made by or for residents of long-termcare facilities. 703-324-5861.
ROAD TO RECOVERY, for cancer patients in need of transportationto treatments. Free. 703-938-5550.
SEPARATION AND DIVORCE WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN, eight-week program, 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays, $15 a session. 199-B Liberty St. SW, Leesburg.Call for date of next session. 703-391-8599.
SEXAHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 12-step program of recovery for those whowant to stop self-destructive sexual behavior. Free. 703-866-6929.
VEHICLES FOR CHANGE, a nonprofit organization that collects usedvehicles and prepares them for distribution to eligible recipients.703-771-5871.
WARRENTON LIONS CLUB EYEGLASS RECYCLING PROGRAM, donate unneededeyeglasses to help others. Drop-off locations in Warrenton areWarrenton Professional Center, 493 Blackwell Rd.; Wal-Mart VisionCenter, 8728 James Madison Hwy.; Lindsey's Vision Center, 71 W.Shirley Ave. 540-347-3164 or 540-341-1006.
ADOPTION SEMINAR, 7-8:30 p.m. tomorrow, Broadlands CommunityCenter, 43004 Waxpool Rd., Ashburn. Up-to-date information onadoptions from Russia, Ukraine, China, Guatemala and othercountries. Free. 703-723-4385 or
BIRTHRIGHT OF LOUDOUN COUNTY INC., free pregnancy tests, clothes,baby clothing, transportation and support throughout pregnancy, 18Loudoun St. SE, Leesburg. 703-777-7272.
BREAST-FEEDING CLASSES, noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays, Inova LoudounHospital Birthing Inn, 44045 Riverside Pkwy., Leesburg. Classes arefacilitated by a lactation consultant. Registration is not required.Free. 703-858-6000 or
EARLY PREGNANCY CLASS, 6:30-9:30 p.m. April 23, Inova LoudounHospital, 44045 Riverside Pkwy., Leesburg. Class will highlight thesecond and third trimester of pregnancy. Special attention oneducation about pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, pre-term laborand warning signs. $55, per couple. Register. 703-858-6360
FAMILIES IN TRANSITION SUPPORT, 'For the Children's Sake,' forLoudoun and Fauquier parents separating or divorcing, help indeveloping co-parenting skills. Four-hour session weekly. Free. 703-391-8599 or
LIFE LINE, pregnancy care center offering free testing, practicalcare and counseling in a confidential setting. 703-729-1123
LOUDOUN COUNTY COMMUNITY FATHERHOOD PROGRAM, fathers and fatherfigures learn about and discuss the joys and challenges offatherhood. Meet every other Saturday for two hours for four months.Sponsored by Northern Virginia Family Service. Free. Call forinformation. 703-404-1901 or
LOUDOUN FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN, providing short-term emergencycare and mentoring to children who have been abused or neglected orare experiencing family crises. Call 703-771-9505 for information onorientation and training sessions or e-mail
MOTHERNET/HEALTHY FAMILIES LOUDOUN, program links first-timeparents with medical, social and educational resources needed togive children a socially and physically healthy start in life.Family-support workers meet with participants in homes. English-Spanish translation provided. 703-444-4477, Ext. 217,
NEW MOTHERS AND BABIES SUPPORT, MotherNet/Healthy FamiliesLoudoun provides free in-home mentoring and health education tofirst-time mothers, especially those facing teenage or singleparenthood, poverty, substance abuse, family violence andunemployment. 703-444-4477.
PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTHING RESOURCE, Childbirth SolutionsResource Center, 8393 W. Main St., Marshall. Education and supportfor women interested in learning about birthing options. 571-344-0438.
YOUNG-PARENT SERVICES, support program for teenage parentsoffering individual case management and weekly support group,Loudoun County Department of Family Social Services, 52 Sycolin Rd.,Leesburg. Free. Call for times. 703-771-5375.
BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING, 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Leesburg SeniorCenter, 215 Depot Ct. Free. 703-737-8039.
EXERCISE TAPE, National Council on Aging video for people 55 andolder, 9-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Leesburg Senior Center,215 Depot Ct. Free. 703-737-8039.
LIFELINE, 24-hour personal response service for seniors. CallInova Loudoun Hospital for information. 703-858-8094.
ADULT FOSTER-CARE PROGRAM, enables people with mentaldisabilities to become more independent through interaction and theroutines of family life. Loudoun County Mental Retardation HealthServices is seeking new families for the program. Foster familiesreceive a monthly stipend and are provided with training and in-home support. 703-737-8977.
AL-ANON SERVICE CENTER OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, volunteer on duty 24hours with information for spouses, relatives and friends of problemdrinkers. 703-764-0476. Meetings 12:15 p.m. Wednesdays, LeesburgPresbyterian Church, 207 W. Market St., and 8 p.m. Thursdays, InovaLoudoun Hospital, 224 Cornwall St., Leesburg, 703-764-0476; 8 p.m.Mondays, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 125 W. Washington St.,Middleburg, 540-554-2747; 8:30 p.m. Fridays, Grace Episcopal Church,6507 Main St., The Plains, 800-344-2666; noon Tuesdays, WarrentonChurch of Christ, Route 29 North, and 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays, WarrentonPresbyterian Church, 91 Main St., 800-344-2666.
ALATEEN, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Warrenton Baptist Church, 123 W.Main St.800-344-2666.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, many meeting times and locations inLoudoun. 800-208-8649 or
BREAST CANCER SUPPORT, 7-8 p.m. third Tuesdays, Fauquier HospitalTower, Chestnut Room, 500 Hospital Dr., Warrenton. 540-349-0588.
CHILDREN'S PROGRAM, ages 5-12 who have a relative with cancer.Group activities, artwork and discussion. Learn helpful ways toexpress and deal with feelings. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays, InovaLoudoun Hospital, Radiation Oncology Center, 44035 Riverside Pkwy.,Suite 100, Leesburg. Register. Free. 703-208-5623.
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME AND FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT, 7-9 p.m. April23, Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls. AllisonKitchen will discuss acupuncture and its benefits. Free. RSVP. 703-327-6478.
'CREATING AND CONNECTING,' two-hour art therapy and relaxationworkshop for patients, 12:30-2:30 p.m., meets every other month,Inova Loudoun Hospital Radiation Oncology Center, 44035 RiversidePkwy., Suite 100, Leesburg. Free. 703-858-8850.
DAD'S SUPPORT, 'Usopen_loudoundads,' 8 p.m. Tuesdays, InovaLoudoun Hospital, 44045 Riverside Pkwy., Leesburg. Provides a placefor new and expectant fathers to ask questions, share ideas and feelcomfortable with their role. The name of the group was chosenbecause the men's U.S. Open golf tournament is played on Father'sDay; the aim of the group is to have a group of dads being open.Free. 703-858-6360 or
'LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER,' for women undergoing or emerging fromcancer treatment, 6:45-9 p.m., meets every other month, InovaLoudoun Hospital Radiation Oncology Center, 44035 Riverside Pkwy.,Suite 100, Leesburg. Free. 703-858-8850.
'REACH TO RECOVERY,' home-visitation program for mastectomy andlumpectomy patients, sponsored by the American Cancer Society;temporary prostheses, exercise instruction, and encouragement. Free.703-938-5550.
CEREBRAL PALSY SUPPORT, parents with children newborn to 10 yearswho have cerebral palsy. Leesburg and Purcellville areas. Call forinformation. Free. 540-668-6832.
CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT, 10:30-11 a.m. Tuesdays, FauquierHospital Bistro on the Hill restaurant (wheelchair accessible), 500Hospital Dr., Warrenton. Sponsored by the Spiritual Care SupportMinistries. 540-349-5814 or
COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS, for parents who have experienced the deathof a child, 7:30 p.m. first Wednesdays, St. James' Episcopal Church,14 Cornwall St. NW, Leesburg. Free. 540-882-9707.
CRISISLINK, suicide and crisis prevention, intervention andresponse organization. Nonprofit organization serves NorthernVirginia. Organization also provides community education andtraining in mental health issues, has a certified volunteer crisisresponse team and offers CareRing, a free, daily telephone outreachprogram for elderly and disabled people. Help is needed for thesuicide and crisis hot line. Call for training schedule. 703-527-6016, or
DUAL DIAGNOSIS ANONYMOUS, support group for people with substanceabuse and mental health challenges, 7 p.m. Tuesdays, Inova LoudounHospital, Cornwall campus, 224 Cornwall St., Leesburg. Free. 301-827-7220.
FOREVER CHANGED, support for those who have lost children throughmiscarriage, stillbirth or infant death or because of othercircumstances, 7-8:30 p.m. first and third Tuesdays, Hospice Supportof Fauquier County, 42 N. Fifth St., Warrenton. Free. 540-347-5922.
GRIEF SUPPORT, 'The Bereaved Parent,' 10:30 a.m.-noon first andthird Saturdays, Spiritual Care Support Ministry Center, 76 W.Shirley Ave., Warrenton. Free. 540-349-5814.
GRIEFSHARE SUPPORT, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Spiritual Care SupportMinistry Center, 76 W. Shirley Ave., Warrenton. Nondenominational.Free. 540-349-5814 or
GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT, 7:30-9 p.m. third Wednesdays, LeesburgUnited Methodist Church parlor, 107 W. Market St. Free. 703-777-8766.
HOSPICE SUPPORT, 3:30-5 p.m. first and third Thursdays, 42 N.Fifth St., Warrenton. Open to anyone who has experienced the deathof a loved one. Register. Free. 540-347-5922 with inquiries.
HOSPICE SUPPORT OF FAUQUIER COUNTY, four weekly training sessionsfor Fauquier residents. Participants attend all sessions and committo at least a year. Training covers hospice concept, patient comfortcare and body mechanics, listening skills, family dynamics,spiritual values, bereavement, documentation, confidentiality andfuneral home tour. For time, dates, location and to sign up, callJoy LeBaron or Gil Brooker at 540-347-5922.
LOUDOUN CHADD SUPPORT, 7 p.m. third Thursdays, Leesburg TownHall, lower-level conference room, 25 W. Market St. Free. 703-669-2445.
MADD LOUDOUN VICTIM SUPPORT GROUP, 7:30 p.m. third Wednesdays,210 Wirt St., Leesburg. Families and significant others who havebeen affected by a drunken-driving crash. 540-338-6491.
MEDITATION GROUP, 6:30-8 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month,Inova Loudoun Hospital Radiation Oncology Center, 44035 RiversidePkwy., Leesburg. Support group for patients, families and friendstouched by cancer. Learn about and practice meditation. Free. 703-858-8850.
MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE-DYSAUTONOMIA SUPPORT, noon, secondTuesdays. Free. For program details and location, 703-689-9240.
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS, 12-step program for those with eatingdisorders, 8-9 p.m. Fridays, Ashburn Presbyterian Church, 20962Ashburn Rd., 703-823-6682; 7:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, LeesburgPresbyterian Church, 207 W. Market St., 540-338-7483 days, 540-882-3988 evenings; 7 p.m. Thursdays, Seventh-day Adventist Church, 7485Lee Hwy., Warrenton, 540-439-0790; 8:45 a.m. Saturdays, second-floor sunroom, Inova Loudoun Hospital, Cornwall campus, 224 CornwallSt. Leesburg. Use the south entrance and follow the signs toelevators. Free. 540-751-0685; 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mondays, St. Peter'sEpiscopal Church, 37018 Glendale St., Purcellville. Free. 540-338-7483; 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Pl.,Potomac Falls. Free. 703-437-1521.
PARKINSON'S SUPPORT, 'Yoga-Lite for Parkinson's,' 1:30-3:30 p.m.Mondays in Leesburg. Increase flexibility, balance and strength andlearn stress management and correct breathing. Registrationrequired. $20 session. 540-668-6755 or
PET LOSS SUPPORT, Spiritual Care Support Ministry Center, 76 W.Shirley Ave., Warrenton. Free. 540-349-5814.
SEXUAL ASSAULT AND INCEST SURVIVORS GROUP COUNSELING, allservices provided by Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice and LoudounAbused Women's Shelter are free and confidential. 703-771-9020.
SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS EMPOWERMENT SUPPORT, sponsored by SexualAssault Victims Volunteer Initiative, Mondays. Child care availablewith 48-hour notice. Call for time and location. Free. 540-349-7720.
SINGLEPOINTE, singles 30 and older, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Fridays,Christian Fellowship Church, 21673 Beaumeade Cir., Ashburn. Livemusic, discussions, practical principles for living the single life.Refreshments available; child care available for those 2 and older.Free. 703-724-4916 or
SPIRITUAL CARE SUPPORT MINISTRIES, provides support, educationand a biblical perspective through individual sessions, supportgroups, retreats, Bible studies and social events. Training providedfor those who would like to know how to minister to people who aresick or grieving the loss of loved ones. Free. 540-349-5814.
SPIRITUAL SUPPORT GROUP, 6:30-8 p.m. third Tuesdays, InovaLoudoun Hospital Radiation Oncology Center, 44035 Riverside Pkwy.,Leesburg. Cancer patients, family members and friends. Learn aboutusing your spiritual resources to help cope with cancer. Free. 703-858-8850.
SPOUSE LOSS SUPPORT, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Spiritual Care SupportMinistry Center, 76 W. Shirley Ave., Warrenton. Free. 540-349-5814.
WOMEN'S SUPPORT, sponsored by Services to Abused Families, 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays. Confidential location. Free. 540-825-8876.
CHOICES WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT, 7 p.m. Mondays, Loudoun ValleyCommunity Center, Purcellville. $5 to join; $2 monthly. Firstmeeting free. 540-338-4854.
NORTHERN DISTRICT VIRGINIA DIETETIC ASSOCIATION, speakers bureauof registered dietitians and diet technicians who address topicssuch as weight management, vegetarian diets, quick and healthfulmeals, planning and preparation, sports nutrition, understandingfood labels, nutrition for seniors and diet needs for heart diseasepatients and diabetics. Available to schools and civic and businessgroups in Loudoun, Fairfax and Prince William
TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY, weight-loss support group, 5-6 p.m.weigh-in, 6-7 p.m. meeting, Tuesdays, Midland Church of theBrethren. $25 a year. 540-439-3739. TOPS support group meets at 6:15p.m. Tuesdays, SunTrust Bank, Routes 29 and 17, Warrenton. $20 ayear. 540-439-3671.
WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY SUPPORT, group forming in Loudoun. 703-967-4379 or
-- Compiled by SANDY MAUCK
To Submit an Item
Fax: 703-777-8437
Mail: Loudoun Extra, The Washington Post, 305 Harrison St. SE,Suite 100-A, Leesburg, Va. 22075
Details: Items are published weekly on a space-available basisand must be received at least 14 days before the publication date.Include event name, dates, times, street address, cost andpublishable contact phone number.
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