The Redlands Area Interfaith Council (RAIC) serves many purposesin the community. Mutual respect and trust has developed over yearsas representatives from various faith groups meet together monthlyand work together to serve our community. Every faith tradition iswelcome to join.
This year we are excited and honored to be asked to partner withDr. Tom Rogers, Dr. Mark Carpenter and the Foundation for WorldwideHealth to bring free dental and medical services to those in need inthe East Valley. The Foundation has been traveling to Nicarauga formany years. They see many needs right around us and want to be ableto help.
They have asked RAIC to help coordinate appointments from faithcommunities and community organizations for free dental and medicalclinics beginning in July.
The Council helps solve concerns in our community. Last year theRedlands Bicycle Classic fell on Palm Sunday. The many competingdemands of parking and street access in downtown Redlands was aconcern with parishioners needing access to their places of worshipon this sacred Sabbath day. The Bicycle Classic Committee met withRAIC and was very responsive, made small adjustments to their routesand schedules and loud speakers that made a huge difference tochurch services.
The committee will be attending our Jan. 13 meeting so we candiscuss any potential concerns for this year.
Another purpose of the council is to help promote understandingand mutual respect of the diverse faith communities. At the Mayor'sPrayer Breakfast, each congregation is able to send a child to sharea bit about their own personal faith. Please join us on the NationalDay of Prayer at 7 a.m. May 5 in the Orton Center at the Universityof Redlands.
The Annual Thanksgiving Celebration offers music, word andstories shared from various faith traditions. We are hosted bydifferent congregation each year so we can enjoy each other's placesof worship. This year the Thanksgiving Celebration will be held at 4p.m. Nov. 20.
The council meets at 8 a.m. the second Thursday of each month inthe First Methodist Church's education building, 1 E. Olive Ave.,Redlands.
Rose Palmer has been president of the Redlands Area InterfaithCouncil since February.
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