суббота, 6 октября 2012 г.

in brief - The Washington Post

At the request of the Leesburg Town Council, Town Manager John A.Wells proposed Tuesday night that the town phase out its financing ofseven social service groups.

Wells proposed a four-year phaseout of funding for the AmericanRed Cross, La Voz, the Loudoun Free Clinic, Loudoun InterfaithRelief, Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers, Northern Virginia FamilyService and the Loudoun County Branch of the YMCA. The sevenrequested a combined $97,000 from the town for the next fiscal year.

Wells said he based his recommendation on the idea that countygovernment, not Leesburg, should play the lead role in funding socialservice programs.

Loudoun Interfaith Relief, which was denied funding in the just-approved county budget, will aggressively pursue other avenues tooffset the town's proposed cut of about $6,000, said ExecutiveDirector Bonnie Inman.

'We're appreciative that they're going to support our efforts insome fashion,' Inman said Tuesday.

At the Tuesday night budget markup session, Wells also proposedincreasing support for the Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squadby about $8,700. Council members said they overwhelmingly supportedthose initiatives at budget work sessions this month.

A 13-year-old Leesburg boy who allegedly robbed a gas stationSaturday morning was turned in to police less than two hours later -- by his mother.

The Exxon station on Edwards Ferry Road reported being robbed by ayoung male brandishing a six-inch steak knife, Leesburg police said.The cashier handed over a $100 bill, and the robber left the store.

Shortly after noon, the 13-year-old and his mother arrived atpolice headquarters. She handed over a $100 bill and told officersthat her son had told his older brother that he robbed the store, apolice spokesman said Monday. The brother in turn told his mother.Police recovered the knife near the store.

The outcome of a hearing Monday in Juvenile and Domestic RelationsCourt was not immediately available.

A Front Royal man was sentenced to five years in prison Friday fora one-day string of crimes last August stretching from Purcellvilleto Sterling.

William Russell Gibson, 33, was sentenced by Circuit Court JudgeJames Chamblin for robbing the M&T Bank in Leesburg on Aug. 24 andtrying to rob the High-Up Food Mart in Sterling about two hourslater.

Earlier that day, Gibson stole a car from a co-worker's home inPurcellville. Sheriff's deputies said the car was used in theattempted robbery. Gibson previously pleaded guilty to charges inthat case.

Much of downtown Leesburg will be closed to motorists for thisweekend's Leesburg Flower and Garden Show.

These intersections will be blocked from 6 p.m. tomorrow to 6 p.m.Sunday: South King Street and Loudoun Street; West Market Street andWirt Street; East Market Street and Church Street; and North KingStreet and North Street. Signs will direct motorists to detours.

The alley adjacent to the town's parking garage also will beclosed. Parking will be available at the Pennington Lot off NorthStreet NE; Courts Parking Lot on North Street; the town's parkinggarage; and Ida Lee Park. A free shuttle service will be providedbetween Ida Lee and the flower show.

The Loudoun County Health Department announced Tuesday that it hasformed a task force -- composed of representatives of county andtown governments, Inova Loudoun Hospital and the public schools -- to prepare for a possible flu pandemic.

In coming months, the group will meet with medical first-responders, businesses and community groups to coordinatepreparedness efforts, said David Goodfriend, Health Departmentdirector.

Residents interested in attending community meetings can registerat www.loudoun.gov/flu, where they can also find information on flupandemics and preparedness.

This year's emergency preparedness exercise -- Oct. 21 atHeritage High School -- will simulate the county's response to aflu pandemic, Goodfriend said.

-- Compiled by


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