среда, 3 октября 2012 г.

Christians work with Muslims to build clinic - Winnipeg Free Press

By Brenda Suderman

INSPIRED by the co-operation of Christians and Muslims in Uganda, a Winnipeg woman is mobilizing her church and the city's Muslim community to raise funds for a village medical clinic.

St. James Anglican Church and the Islamic Social Services Association are jointly hosting a fundraising dinner next month to support the construction of a health clinic in Uganda, which will serve both Muslim and Christian patients.

The initiative is thought to be the first time Christians and Muslims in Winnipeg have worked together on a common overseas project.

'The model for that is the actual people in Uganda working together,' explains Pat Stewart, who toured Uganda last year with a delegation of Anglicans from the Diocese of Rupert's Land. 'I think if we can work together here, we work at understanding and becoming better neighbours, and promote peace and understanding .'

Initially, Stewart was overwhelmed by the request by the people of Kyermina, a community 130 kilometres southwest of Kampala, to build a clinic to serve provide primary health care, prenatal care, and education about HIV/AIDs.

'Then I got an e-mail in July (saying) that we are making 20,000 bricks in August,' explains the nursing instructor at Assiniboine Community College. 'I admired the faith in the people.'

Months after returning to Winnipeg, she approached Shahina Siddiqui of the Islamic Social Services Association to see if they could work together to build the 10-room, $40,000 clinic.

'Because the village is both Christian and Muslim, we thought what a good way to do something together for a worthy cause,' says Siddiqui of her group's participation in the project.

The March 8 dinner at the St. James Civic Centre will incorporate a mixture of flavours and cultures, with Muslims preparing the main dishes of samosas, curries and rice, and the Anglican contingent providing the desserts, says Stewart. The event is projected to raise about $12,000.

Hosting a dinner together will benefits two faith communities in Uganda, and may also build bridges in Winnipeg in a new way, says Siddiqui.

'There are people who can talk and have theological debates, but for us, it's a matter of doing things, to make things better, to have action,' she says.

'I think interfaith at the grassroots level is more inclusive and is more at the community level.'


Dinner details

* Tickets are available for $40 from St. James Anglican Church at 888-3489 or Islamic Social Services Association at 944-1560.

* The dinner takes place at 5:30 p.m., Saturday, March 8 at the St. James Civic Centre. The event also includes a craft sale and silent auction.

Faith in the City update

* Today, I'm worshipping at the 11 a.m. service at Salvation Army Heritage Park Temple, 825 School Rd., Tel. 889-9203.

* Evening service, 6 p.m. today, Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, 561 Wellington Ave. This worship service and presentation on Judaism is the third evening in the six-part course sponsored by the Manitoba Interfaith Council and the University of Winnipeg. Drop-in participants are welcome, although there is a $5 fee payable at the door.

* Sunday mass, 11 a.m. Feb. 24, St. Gianna's Roman Catholic Church, Winnipeg Technical College, 130 Henlow Bay. Plan to arrive by 10:40.

* Evening prayers, 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 29, Winnipeg Central Mosque, 715 Ellice Ave. Dress code is conservative and everyone is required to remove their shoes before entering the prayer hall.

* Prayers and discussion, 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, Baha'i Centre, 521 McMillan Ave. This event with Winnipeg's Baha'i community begins with 15 minutes of prayers, includes a group consultation, and ends with refreshments. Parking available on the street near this former Masonic Temple or at the nearby school.

* Looking ahead: Called to Love, April 4 to 6. A weekend of conversation in Morden, Miami and Manitou about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with three spiritual leaders of those traditions. More information to come.


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